In order to report your claim as quickly and conveniently as possible, please prepare:
It won’t take you more than 10 minutes to fill in the form.
Receipt / invoice for the damaged, destroyed or stolen item*
Report from the service / repair shop in case of damage if it was not repaired in the recommended authorized service Bels (applies only to the insurance of mobile phones and displays) or photo documentation in case of destruction*
Police report in case of theft or robbery*
Photodocumentation of damaged equipment in case of damage or destruction
Other documents, such as the insured's request to block the device's serial number (IMEI) (in the case of theft of a mobile phone), a ticket, the original flight itinerary, a boarding pass or the PIR protocol of the carrier (in case the damage occurred during the air transport) and other relevant documents related to the damage
Two/three more steps and you're done:
I declare that all information provided in this claim report is true and complete and that I have not concealed any fact that would affect the course and outcome of the claim investigation.
I am aware that due to false and incomplete answers, the insurance company may withdraw from the insurance contract or refuse the insurance indemnity.
I agree that you can request the necessary documents from the police, administrative authorities and other insurance companies for the purpose of investigating the claim event.
TUITO processes the personal data of the insured. The reason for this is the compliance with legal obligations and protection of the legitimate interests of the insurance company and / or the policyholder or the interests of other persons to whom the processing relates or may relate.
I declare that I have read at www.tuito.cz information about the processing of personal data, information about my rights, especially the right for information, explanation of processing, access to personal data and the right to object to processing carried out on the basis of legitimate interests of the controller or third parties.
I give this consent for the entire period of existence of obligations arising from the insurance contract or obligations related to it.